Winter: Sat 23 & Sun 24 November 2024

B.Box Studios

Open Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 5pm
Stoddart Street, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2PQ
T: 0191 261 1103 | E: |
W: | Twitter: @biscuit_factory Facebook: @BBoxStudiosArtists Instagram: @bboxstudios

The B. Box Studios are next to the Biscuit Factory on Stoddart Street (down the steps or ramp). The distinctive white and black building houses an eclectic mix of creatives including jewellery designer-makers, painters, printmakers, photographers, filmmakers, interior designers, and textile artists.

As well as warmly welcoming visitors to Ouseburn Open Studios events, some of the artists, designers and makers offer workshops throughout the year.

Access Information:

B.Box Studios can be reached by pedestrians and cyclists via the steps or ramp from Stoddart Street, or by car from Bermondsey Street.

Ground floor is level access from footpath and car park. There are five steps to the level above and a full flight of stairs from there to the top floor.